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Nerds can do anything to help with your college or work life, as long as it's legal and doesn't violate any policy or our Honor Code.
See the list of prohibited tasks.
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Verified purchase
Verified purchase
Nerds are pre-screened freelancers with a deep expertise in a wide range of domains. They are available 24/7 on our platform to assist you with almost any request. Every Nerd agreed to follow our Honor Code and always comply with institution and company policies of the client.
Our Nerds can help you with any type of request except for those that are illegal or violate university and corporate policies. Read our Honor Code and the list of prohibited tasks to learn more.
The platform algorithm picks the best-matching Nerd to be assigned to your request by comparing various parameters: specialty, experience, rating, availability, additional skills, etc.
Feel free to contact us at any time to get a Nerd assigned to your request! However, we ask you to submit your help request no less than 3 hours prior to due time. This way we can be sure the Nerd assigned has enough time to clarify all the details and work with you thoroughly.
Getting in touch with Nerdify is always free. We only charge a small extra fee (11%) in addition to the cheapest possible rate for products or services that you request. You'll always agree to the final cost before any charges are made! So, there is nothing to worry about — it’s up to you whether to accept the price or reject it.
Once the request is made, we send you a payment link to the invoice. You can submit the payment with any Credit/Debit card. When following the link you are automatically taken to 128-bit encrypted HTTPS payment page. You can type your credit card information and initiate a transaction directly from your phone. Nerdify has no access to your personal information or your CC data.