It's easier than you think! Simply text us, and our automated algorithm will find the best-matching freelance Nerd to handle your request.
Step 1
Message us and share the details of your request: snap a photo or tell us in your own words what you need.
Step 2
Our platform matches you with the best-fit freelance Nerd based on your requirements.
Step 3
Get and agree the quote based on the amount of hours a freelance Nerd will spend working on your request.
Step 4
Make a prepayment: this money is safe with us and will be released to a Nerd once the request is completed.
Step 5
Collaborate with the Nerd working on your request in the most convenient format for you at any time of the day.
Step 6
Enjoy on-demand personalized assistance from Nerds and get the desired result on time, every time.
Our Nerds are among the TOP 2% freelancers in their fields
They all are experts with proven knowledge and vast experience in their area, who passed a rigid examination process and agreed to follow our Honor Code when joining Nerdify platform.
Please be aware that Nerds will not agree to be engaged in the activity that violates any policy or our Honor Code. Please read our Honor Code and the list of prohibited tasks carefully.
More than 4,800 positive reviews since 2015
Brian C.recommends Nerdify
4 days ago •
Super grateful! Great customer service. Nerdify has really helped me with some college tasks that I struggled with and made challenging tasks feel so much more manageable.
Verified purchase
Alisha R.recommends Nerdify
1 week ago •
The timing and responses were exceptional for all three times that I requested help. I have been busy all day and I am so happy that I found a Nerd to explain me the methods to solve my problems! 10/10, I would recommend it!
Verified purchase
Christina N.recommends Nerdify
3 weeks ago •
This is the second time I used Nerdify. I was very impressed and satisfied both times. The process was quick and easy. The price was fair and the service was great. The quality of their service was professional. They helped me with the research and their advice made my projects stand out. I am very happy!
Verified purchase
Not sure what to start with? Take a look at the most popular requests!
Request from $25
Gathering raw data for your research
Request from $15
Helping create an unbiased survey
Request from $30
Making a summary of survey results
Request from $25
Explaining complex topics
Request from $20
Checking & pointing out errors
Request from $20
Advising on presentation framework
Request from $25
Help with data analysis
Request from $50
Conducting market research
Request from $40
Making an online reputation audit
Still doubting whether you need a Nerd?
Message us to learn more about what Nerds can help with!